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Podcast #29
Conversation with Life/Divorce Coach Shannon McGorry
Letting Go of Old Stories about How You Should Live and Creating an Authentic Life You Love  â€‹

Big life change like divorce can be a challenge  - but it’s also an opportunity. 
In this interview with Shannon McGorry, divorce and life coach, we explore all the ways divorce can be an invitation to recreate our lives and tear down the roadblocks and limiting beliefs about how our life should be once and for all. 

We break down how to live life authentically, fully and as the best version ourselves. We dig into how to let go of the things that are holding us back and step into happiness, fulfillment and purpose. 


In the intervew we discuss: 


  • How to handle the many emotions and interacting with people who don’t understand what you're going through

  • Should you get a therapist OR a divorce coach or can they work together to help you?

  • Realizing we need different kinds of support and guidance in different seasons

  • How divorce or change is the invitation to finally get to know ourselves and what we really want from life now

  •  Why putting ourselves first is really in service to all

  • Opening yourself up to limitless possibilities of who you are, what you can be and how you can live your life

  • How jealousy/envy can actually be an invitation to what your true desires are

  • Why growth is so uncomfortable but how it drives you forward

  • Why how we model managing challenges affects how our children will understand resilience and strength


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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and/or leave a  review on Itunes  or Spotify.  Your input and support is inspiring and SO appreciated! 


What's on Shannon's Playlist:

Raise a hallelujahMama Mia SoundtrackTaylor Swift Greatest Hits


Books Shannon Recommends:

The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates

Option B – Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Gran

tIf the Buddah Dated - Charlotte Kasl

Atlas of the Heart – Brene Brown



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