It’s when we get out of our comfort zone, that we open ourselves up to real miracles and can find our shining light when we need it most. And sometimes it takes a friend to light the way.
Right around the time I was getting separated, my friend Julia Winter asked me to model for her jewelry business, Jewel Ya. Julia is an extremely talented and well known jewelry designer based in Phoenix, AZ and we became instant friends when I first moved to AZ. Her classic, beautiful designs are worn and sold all over the world. I have a collection of Jewel Ya designs that are my go-to earrings, necklaces and bracelets as well as my favorite gifts I love to give. Julia always exudes calm and class. She not only designs stunning jewelry, but generously donates her time and jewels to the local community and is an amazing friend to those that are lucky enough to be in her circle.
When she asked me to model for her website, honestly, I was not even sure how to respond - I had never modeled before, and was in the middle of navigating some big life issues including my separation and some other very serious complications. I was honored to be asked, but as you can imagine, I was not exactly feeling like my best self and hardly knew how to navigate surviving my days let alone figuring out how to do something new like modeling.
But sometimes when your life is shifting in huge earthquake-like tectonic plates, it becomes an opportunity to crack open parts of you that you haven’t tapped into yet and maybe never even knew existed. Amidst the fear and uncertainty, there is almost always something there that can feel good, refreshing and filled with possibility and hope if you are open to it.
SO with a heart filled with terror and excitement, I said yes.
I arrived nervous and unsure, having no idea what to expect.
I should not have worried.
Somehow, that day, my inner light was shining and I leaned right into the moment. I had no idea what I was doing - but Kay, the talented photographer, and Julia, emanated such openness, encouragement and support that I had no option but to embrace the moment with an open heart. I don’t think Kay and Julia had any idea what was going on inside me, but somehow their words of warm enthusiasm hit me like a tidal wave of love that I needed more than they could ever have known that morning. This was so much more than a photo shoot, it felt like I was finally cracking open a tiny bud of hope.

Julia always projects love, light and positivity to those around her, but that day she gave me a gift. She made me feel normal for a few minutes. I could actually release the hold that the many stresses of my life had on me that day and could feel free. Sometimes when you don’t believe in yourself and you’re working through something incredibly hard, when someone else shines their light on you and believes in you, it actually makes you believe in yourself. And gives you the strength that somehow you can do this and that you are strong, loved and there are good things coming.
That morning made me believe that there was light ahead and things were actually going to be ok. That maybe I had gifts and strengths that I didn’t even know about yet. That maybe this was just the beginning of the next chapter and that it could be better than I even imagined.
Thank you, Julia for shining your light on me.
You probably didn’t even know that you did, which makes it all the more beautiful and bright.